POV Madlib
Empathy & Define
Design team
User insights/needs, pen & paper
Define challenge
Level 1
POV Madlib


1. Have your team review notes from insights and needs you have discovered in interviews, surveys, etc.
2. Draw a table and divide them into three columns, naming them: user, need and insight. Define your user, the most important needs you have found and surprising insights you have discovered. It is okay to write down several for now. These will make it easier to write your Madlib.
3. Grab a new paper and start writing the Madlib "[USER] needs to [USER’S NEED] because [SURPRISING INSIGHT]". Insert the information you have previously written in the columns.
4. Play around and write several of them.
5. Choose the Madlib that is the most actionable, inspiring and that provides your team with a direction for when you are going to start generating solutions. If your team have a hard time to decide, use dot voting.


With this Madlib method your team can transform your newly found insights into a problem statement. This is the problem statement that you will come back to during your whole design process to ensure your on the right track for guaranteeing that you fulfill your users' needs. The method focuses on identifying your user, their need and insights you have gained while interacting with them.


By performing a POV-Madlib your outcome will be a problem statement with properly frames your teams' design challenge that provides you with guidance and focuses throughout your design process. A good problem statement will also help you later in the design process when generating ideas.


https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/define-and-frame-your-design-challenge-by-creating-your-point-of-view-and-ask-how-might-we d.school, Bootcamp Bootleg, 2010: http://dschool.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/BootcampBootleg2010v2SLIM.pdf

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